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O životě a všem kolem

O životě

Ve světě, kde nejdál, nejvíc a nejlépe nestačí, vznikl fanklub Obyčejného života.

,,The world is such a noisy place. Loud, haranguing voices lecturing me to hustle, to improve, build, strive, yearn, acquire, compete, and grasp for more. For bigger and better. Sacrifice sleep for productivity. Strive for excellence. Go big or go home. Have a huge impact in the world. Make your life count.

But what if I just don’t have it in me. What if all the striving for excellence leaves me sad, worn out, depleted? Drained of joy. Am I simply not enough? What if I never really amount to anything when I grow up—beyond mom and sister and wife?”


Pantone vyhlásilo barvou roku 2017 zelenou a naše generace si místo dětí pořizuje kytky. Proč vlastně ne, píše Nylon.

,,Terms like gluten-free, organic, and sustainable are all words that, when stated or added to packaging, cause the average millennial to pounce. This spills over to the company we keep. “The millennial generation is very in-tune with health and making sure that their surroundings are good for them,” Tara Heibel, founder of Sprout Home, tells us. “A lot of people come into the store asking which plants give off the best oxygen; they’re actually very concerned and curious about making sure how they can better benefit their life, and plants can be a part of that.”


Úsměv by měl občas být vidět jenom na smajlících v iMessages, píše Quartz

,,Happiness is simply not the appropriate response to many situations in life.”


O tom, že nemoc se může stát novou identitou už jsem psala. Příběh holky s autoimunitním onemocněním v New Yorker je výlet do mysli člověka, co přemýšlí jen v zánětlivých parametrech.

,,As my flare subsided, I kept up with the dry brushing. The metered portions of non-dairy kefir. The flax seeds and the cinnamon. The monitoring of my lab results. Then, as I was staring at my array of brown pill bottles one spring morning, fretting about having run out of one of my supplements, a flicker of rebellion stirred in me. I wasn’t nuts—I had improved on the new regimen. But I had become trapped in my identity as a “sick person,” someone afraid of living. If my mission in life had been reduced to being well at all costs, then the illness had won.”


O práci

Často mluvím o tom, že jsem nestudovala, co dělám. A je to dobře. Matthew Stewart napsal pro Atlanticesej o tom, že filosofie má větší váhu (a užitek) než MBA. 

,,But, as anyone who has studied Aristotle will know, “values” aren’t something you bump into from time to time during the course of a business career. All of business is about values, all of the time.” 


Odpustky (ne)fungovaly ve středověku a (ne)fungují stále. A jenom Robin Hood kradl, aby rozdával. Mike Monteiro o etice.

,,You can’t help Uber build Greyball during the day, or help Palantir design databases to round up immigrants as your main gig, and then buy ethics offsets by doing a non-profit side hustle. We need you to work ethically during that day job much more than we need you working with that non-profit.”


O tom, že pracovat v umění se vám podaří jenom když si umění můžete koupit. Jeden z nejméně diverzifikovaných oborů chudé studenty do party nebere, píše Artsy.

,,Many industries across the economy are making active efforts to diversify their workforces, driven by research showing that diversity is correlated with better economic performance. But key segments of the art market are built upon the spending habits, philanthropy, and social networks of the ultra-wealthy, a feature of the commercial art world that appears to immunize it against this workforce trend. Thanks to its structural dependence on a small group of high-net-worth collectors and donors, hiring in some quarters of art world tends to favor those with the right connections and similar frames of reference.”


O lásce

Je skvělé mít na vizitce titul CEO, ale co to udělá s vaším partnerským životem? Pravděpodobně ho pošle do kytek, svěřuje se v eseji Modern Love Sharon Pope.

,,But there’s a funny thing about being a female executive in a male-dominated industry. You are strong, driven and in control at the office all day, but there’s no magic switch to flip when you arrive home every evening. So I brought that same strong, driven and controlling energy into my marriage.

I bet that was a lot of fun to curl up next to.

I would give orders. I would sarcastically correct my husband, thinking my humor would lessen the bite. I would assume the pressure of being the primary breadwinner but then resent it.”


O tom, že zničit vás nemusí jenom závislot na heroinu, ale i na (instantní) lásce, mluví Slutever.

,,The high I get from hearing the words “I love you” or receiving an orgasm from the person who has just uttered said words to me, is a high I cannot do without. But when the thrill is gone, so is the dude: abandoning me to jones for his touch like a pregnant lady craves nachos and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Not only am I now alone, but I am without my fix. My subsequent behavior often makes me come off as a psycho bitch.”


O ženách

Jaké to je mluvit nahlas o menstruaci. V Silicon Valley. V místnostech, kde žijí jenom muži, vypráví New Yorker

,,Ida Tin wanted to build an app to help women track their periods. For months, she went door to door, pitching the concept to early-stage investors in Berlin, London, New York, and Silicon Valley. Often, Tin, a soft-spoken thirty-seven-year-old from Copenhagen with cerulean-framed glasses, was the only woman in the room. Many potential investors balked at the notion of software with inputs for levels of menstrual bleeding, breast tenderness, and sex drive, or the capacity to digitally share windows of ovulation with a partner. Time and again, Tin told me, the men sitting across from her in pitch meetings said, “I only invest in products I can use myself.” 


Nejlepší girl-to-girl platformy dneška po WGSN

,,One could say Rookie Magazine set the current young female movement in motion back in 2011 when it gave girls an accessible, authentic platform featuring their own voices. Now, six years later, the movement is multiplying and going viral.”


O psaní

O tom, proč psát píše hvězda designu Tobias van Schneider.

“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”


Doba tištěných médií se změnila a New Yorker s ní. Jak, vysvětluje Poynter.

,,It was a pretty simple formula, one most journalists won’t find revolutionary: pitch, draft, edit, publish. But the quick turnaround represents a radical departure from The New Yorker of a decade ago, whose website was basically a digitized version of the print magazine.”


O kráse, co sekoupit

Nákupy budoucnosti podle Toma Goodwina

,,Shopping on Amazon when it works best isn’t an experience, it’s a lack of experience. It’s the purest example yet of the act of removing every possible barrier. Every piece of friction. Online retail is for most sites, endless A-B tests to reduce the chance of anything getting into the way.“


O tom, že čančat se před zrcadlem je rozhodně lepší trend než vyjít ven v teplákovce (i když od Vetements) píše Man Repeller.

,,The rise of don’t-care-gear surely also had something to do with the reality of our busy lives. While a polished exterior indicates that one spent at least an hour getting ready, dressing down makes you look like you are too occupied with actually important things. The irony in this is that looking sloppy can, in fact, be very time-consuming.”